1. Some days are awesome, some days are awful.
2. Your recovery is your first priority.
3. You are the most important person in your life.
4. Reaching out is one of the most useful tools for staying in recovery.
5. Boundaries: they are important (especially with people who are relapsing)
6. If things are going left unsaid in a relationship it's time for a compassionate confrontation.
7. If attending a treatment center, set up your an aftercare treatment team before you discharge.
8. In order to preserve your own recovery you may have to temporarily cut certain people out of your life. This does not make you a bad person.
9. Do not spread yourself too thin.
10. If mentoring, make sure you are strong in your recovery and have an adequate support system.
11. Most people in the world don't understand eating disorders and this is probably going to be triggering.
12. Know what is true for you, trust your gut feeling.
13. Know your warning signs that indicate that you may need more support.
14. Find some kind of release (i.e. yoga, journaling, talking to yourself in the car *ahem ahem, Becca*)
15. If you know ahead of time that you will encounter a triggering person or place, set up support for yourself.
16. Don't push yourself too hard, too fast. Take it slow and be compassionate.
17. Some people slip up after treatment and they are not your responsibility.
18. You are responsible for you and that's it.
19. Learn how to work recovery into your everyday life.
20. Schedule 5-10 minutes a day to check in with yourself and just be.
21. Just because you've graduated from treatment doesn't mean that you're recovered, so have compassion and be patient.
22. Develop positive, compassionate self-talk especially when you make a mistake.
23. Stick to your meal plan! It takes a long time for your body to regulate itself again.
24. Hang out with people who make you feel good about recovery or just good about yourself.
25. You matter, your actions affect others. If you decide to go back to your eating disorder your decision will most definitely affect others.
26. Going back into your disorder is a decision that you make. It's not something that" just happens".
27. Get rid of your "sick" clothes, triggering fashion magazines, your scale, etc. Make your home a safe space.
28. If you do go back into behaviors it's not the end of the world. The important thing is to continue reaching out and being honest with your support people and especially with yourself.
29. If and when you make a mistake that does not mean you're a failure. You are learning how to live life without your eating disorder, and it's messy.
30. You are still in a place of learning and discovering new things about yourself. P.S. It's probably going to be like that for the rest of your life.
31. Find something you're passionate about and do it.
9/28/2012 04:27:08 pm

lovely words from lovely women. you are inspirations.

Ashley Hill
9/30/2012 03:44:22 am

Wonderful ladies! I really needed to read this. I'll take this and keep it where I can see it everyday. Life after treatment is tough, but I love these tips, they are so practical and I found they were easily forgotten for me now that I am not in treatment. I was actually scared today feeling like I had lost a sense of direction. Now I don't feel as scared as I did.


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