Eating disorders aren't just about trying to lose weight. There are a host of issues that accompany it.

-Osteoporosis (brittle bones that break easily and also can cause curvature in the back, AKA hunchbacked)
-Partial or complete baldness...possibly for life
-Rotten teeth and cavities, due to vomiting, which can lead to extraction of a teeth
-Very dry skin
-Extra hair covering face and body
-Brittle fingernails
-Distended (protruding) stomach
-Rapid and constant weight gain due to periods of starvation
-Stunted growth

-High or low blood pressure
-Spontaneous vomiting
-Fried metabolism
-Malnutrition (this is not just specific to Anorexia but is present in Bulimia and Binge-Eating Disorder as well)
-Organ failure, most commonly kidney failure and heart failure
-Hormonal imbalance
-Disintegrated esophagus due to vomiting
-Failed immune system which leads to frequent illness
-Blindness due to eruption of blood vessels in the eyes from purging (vomiting)
-Dehydration causing organ failure and black outs
-Constipation due to abuse of laxitives
-Loss of sex drive
-Difficulty sleeping
-Loss of fertility
-Extreme fatigue
-Heart burn

-Women and men with eating disorders who are not recovered are more likely to have children with eating disorders
-Loss of relationships due to fear of social situations, especial those that involve food
-Inability to go to work and/or school
-Body Dismorphia (hatred of body leads to belief that body is disgusting no matter how big or small it actually is)
-Panic Attacks
-Impaired judgment
-Difficulty thinking and processing information
-Obsessive thoughts
-Suicidal thoughts or ideation that can lead to suicide

Many of these conditions do not resolve themselves even in recovery. The longer a person continues on this self-destructive path the more likely it is that they will be afflicted with a number of the aforementioned problems throughout the rest of their life.

The main goal of an eating disorder is to get thin in order to be loveable/desirable. The problem is, none of the features that accompany an eating disorder are desirable. You only have one body (according to many religions) and your eating disorder is not helping you take care of it.

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