Every Body has its own agenda. We are born with a genetic roadmap. Just as our genes tell us the color of our eyes, hair etc. they also decide the shape of our body. Every Body has it’s own personal point of equilibrium, a place were our body is comfortable and healthy. It is essential to understand that one person’s equilibrium is not like another’s. Even if the weights are the same, we have different heights, different body types etc.

        In our disorder we have the notion that we are in control of our bodies. When really we aren’t. Yes, we decide when to move or what to eat but our body decides how to deal with what we have just put it through. If we starve it, our body will go into survival mode, shutting down one organ after the other. Each body dealing with this survival mode differently. If we constantly binge and restrict our body also goes into survival mode, since the amount eaten is not constant. All your body wants to do is return to its unique equilibrium and it will try to do so until it completely shut down. You cannot change your genetic makeup through food!
            Let me paint you a picture. Say you went to the pet store and got a puppy. You choose the Labrador. One time you visit your friend who has a Dalmatian and you think to yourself: What a beautiful dog. You come home to your Labrador and devise a plan of how you could change it into the shape of a Dalmatian. You starve it, paint it, bind it but it but it just won’t become a Labrador. In addition you are committing animal cruelty and the dog should probably be taken away from you. Bottom line is you have a Labrador and it is just not designed to become a Dalmatian.

            Nobody can take your body away from your or the rights to your body. So how do you realize that you are a Labrador and not a Dalmatian? Well for one, your body knows and if you listen deep within you might learn your true equilibrium as well. But what about your dream of becoming a Dalmatian? What about the loss you feel when you realize you can’t be a Dalmatian? Well realize that you were born as one being, body and soul working together in one fluid motion. You have the soul of a Labrador, you would not even find happiness in the body of the Dalmatian. When you come to terms with your body you may just realize that it perfectly complements your personality. Think about it this way, say you like the snow and love playing around the white for hours. Well Dalmatians don’t have a heavy cold and are thus not well designed for the cold, they need to be bundled up in order to keep them warm. Have you ever tried to put a coat on a dog, well most don’t like it. So your true nature would suddenly be compromised by this body.

            Trust your body, it has it’s own agenda anyways. But when you work together and in unison with it, you will find how beautifully it complements and shapes the person you are inside and out.

Disclaimer: I love Labradors just as much as Dalmatians :)

- Becca

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